Come have FUN with the Conrads!!!

We lean on Jesus as He is our strength for everyday.
1 Peter 4:11 Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Trip to Charleston

A little overdue post, but it was so much fun that a little lateness will just have to be overlooked.  We went up to see my  folks (to Adeline and Essie – Sassy and Grandpa).  Actually Essie calls Gradpa, Epapa… it is sooo cute.  We had fun going downtown.  Though my Dad had to skip out as he is still recovering from that knee replacement. We ate at Wild Wings, checked out the public bathrooms (nice I must say), and went on a carriage tour.  I probably shouldn’t mention the bathroom visit, but really I could probably do a south eastern review of public bathrooms, rest-stops, visitor centers and the like.  Back to Charleston: We had so much fun waiting for the tour and after the tour seeing their animals.  The guy we bought the tickets from was named Calhoun.  I kind of closed my eyes and prepared for the worst, but nope neither Adeline nor Essie let out that our dog was named Calhoun.  One reason they didn’t was he had a deep southern accent and it definitely sounded a bit different than when we yell out the door for the dog to come back in.  Yep we did the tourist thing and it was wonderful.  We even got to go over to a friend of my moms and go swimming.  We did that all in one day actually.  The day prior we were battling those pesky lice.  It is over a month – so thank goodness those bugs are behind us.  I will say one funny thought I had was when we went to Walmart to buy our delousing treatment.  I was looking at organic options and pesticides.  It was just so gross to see 6 or so bugs in my child’s hair I only pondered this a minute before I chose the full out out pesticides.  I wanted them GONE and fast.

Us downtown (still feels like home):



We loved the animals/horses at the Carriage barn:




Friday, October 22, 2010

UPDATED: How tall will my kid be?


We made a little calculator so that you can get an estimate on your child's height when he/she is fully grown. Research shows that this simple estimate is accurate to about 2-4 inches (lower for kids closer to medium height). Check it out and let me know what you think!

UPDATED: I am using a new form for entering info, hopefully it will work a little better!

Height Estimator

Monday, October 18, 2010

Imagine 1-2-3 with Elmo and Friends

We went to see Elmo!!!!

can you say mesmerized:

Dancing with Elmo and some friends:

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Painted nails

Adeline and Esther both painted their own nails today:

Tied up?!

Adeline’s first time tying her shoe all by herself.  She isn’t able to duplicate this every time or maybe even often, but she can do it.  She was so proud and so are we!

Art work

This is Adeline’s more recent art work.  In this she drew some people.  Do you notice their “side braids with bows in them”?:


Here is one of the first papers Adeline brought home (before the above pic) with her name on it.  Only a few weeks ago.  Now she writes her name on just about all her work:


Here is Esther’s recent artwork.  Though just the past couple days while at restaurants she seems to be into writing with her left hand and very small lines/zig-zags.  I will try to capture one of those drawings soon.
