So after a little over an hour drive east of us we set off on a train experience like none other we have experienced. I have never ridden a train - unless my mom tells me now that I have it blogged. We were served hot chocolate, our tickets were punched ('L' for the importance of listening), saw a hobo, saw santa, and elvf and then had a photo with Santa and he gave the girls a bell. A very fun way to change up our Christmas traditions. We also got to go to the Portland Singing Christmas Tree. It was fun and the girls loved the tap dancing santas in the first act and loved the story of Jesus' birth in the second. Mary was an amazing singer and all were great actors. We did greatly miss Westside's Christmas Festival. There were camels in the Singing Christmas tree, but they were not live. Still fun, just different and easier to clean up after I am sure!
Merry Christmas: The Greatest Gift
2 months ago