Here are my two girls dancing it up. I think the key to dancing like nobody is watching is to do so before you are 10yrs old or over 80 yrs old. It is so cute to watch them just have fun. We noticed Esther has some little moves when we got this ball toy with music. She just started grooving when it played. So now we encourage her.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
River Rats
Our first trip to the river since last fall or early winter. It was a beautiful day. It actually wasn’t too hot due to having a nice breeze. We had a great lunch, boat ride, and dip in the river. Thanks to Martha and Bill for a wonderful afternoon. And Annie too. What fun to hang out with family and friend.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Father's Day Reflections

I had placed it on the kitchen counter and yesterday while I was making Adeline's breakfast it caught my eye. I decided to go fishing to see if Addy could come up with any reasons why she loved her daddy without being prompted by her teachers. What she had to say melted my heart:
Daddy: Hey Addy, why do you love your daddy?
Addy: Ummmm, Ummmm, Ummm [oh oh, i was starting to get worried].... Because you tickle me... And because you give me hugs.... And because you put me to bed at night!... And because you kiss Mommy!
Daddy: Addy, i sure am blessed to have such a sweet daughter [and kissable wife]!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
What in the world
What in the world changes us. Adeline can’t even look at the step-sisters in Cinderella tearing her dress or bossing her around. Though it is encouraging she still asks me to fast forward the video past these things after watching it for the 20th time I know one day she will go ahead and watch it. So is it then my fault for hardening her heart and allowing her to not be bothered by “bad choices”. Oh how that hurts my soul to think that I am starting this process of not being saddened by others bad choices. Of course I do believe if at my age I still couldn’t watch a girls dress get torn by family or friends I would likely be dysfunctional after hearing about families being torn apart over a messy divorce or babies being born to babies. How sad to think that these things hardly register anymore on my sensitive meter unless I know the person going through it. Oh Dear God give me eyes to see and hands/feet to help where You want me to be doing work of loving others that need it. Help me protect Adeline and keep her sweet sweet Spirit of kindness. (Esther too).
Adeline can sing a cute song about the Fruit of the spirit… super cute. Love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Fill us all up with these fruit Lord!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Fruits and Veggies - Make your own Baby food (UPDATED)
If I can do this, I know you can too!!!
So I have seemed to find myself making home made baby food for my second sweet baby girl. Really this is very easy, just a few extra pieces of produce and an extra hour every couple of weeks. Especially easy when the little ones are just learning. Plus it is fun to let them try all kinds of foods that Gerber doesn’t make into the jars at the grocery store. Adeline started on cereal from a box (I find it too painful to plan to give her an iron supplement and grind then cook my own cereal that only lasts a few days – though try it for yourself to see if it will work for you) and Esther started with Sweet Potatoes. Both loved it! They loved starting foods at 6 months of age.
I started by buying a cute red Cuisine Art Mini Prep Blender. I knew I wouldn’t be making enough of this stuff to serve an army, so it has worked extremely well and doesn’t take up a ton of room. You put in a sweet potato and it fits perfectly or a couple of bananas. With Adeline my oldest I used the cube method. Very grab and go. A little extra detail in getting the food into the cubes, but it worked very well. With Esther I started with the ice cube trays that had a lid. I find this very easy in you throw the food in and try to keep them in the cubes. Let it freeze then pop them in to zip lock bags. This method uses way less freezer space and I don’t have to worry about trays of cubes. The down side is that it lacks the grab and go. You have to have a spare bowl at the moment you are grabbing and going. Not the end of the world, but a little less flexible. Also, I usually start off by cooking many foods at once to minimize the time in the kitchen. It is mentioned in my favorite book Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron in details in how to be successful. I was a little less focused, but it was great to only have one great big mess rather than doing a little every day. Though I will now admit that on most of the veggies I seem to use frozen ones, cook them and then refreeze. I haven’t had a child get sick (though both sides of my family have rocks for stomach’s). Ask your pediatrician if it is okay for your little one before trying this. I keep meaning too.
I don’t like doing home made cereal as above. Though my Cuisinart did just find grinding up rice and beans to make Super Baby Porridge from the Super Baby Food book……. I really enjoyed this book. I also stayed away from making home made yogurt. Something about the million times the author instills fear into me about everything being extremely clean and no contamination. Too many possibilities for error I say. Another food I just didn’t really conquer was protein. I didn’t fret over it much until they could eat finger foods. I fed egg yokes and tofu the first few months of doing the foods. Around 10 months I started adding in chicken breast in shreds or sandwich meat (though not really a bright spot in my healthy home made making baby food moments, but it works).
My favorites: Both had and have a hearty staple of Avocado. A very nutritional food. Easy in that no cooking necessary and it seemed filling to them. The other fun in it was that it wasn’t in a jar anywhere that I could buy. And Adeline's first La Fiesta food was guacamole. I’m sure it wasn’t just like mom’s either. She downed it even faster than usual. Also note: Do not get the lighter green skinned ones if possible. I always have trouble peeling those. And definitely don’t get hard ones. I had to cook my last batch just to make it edible for Esther, rather than having her attempt to eat rocks.
Peas – difficult on many levels. One you have to have cooked them for a very long time to get them tender enough to blend in the mini Cuisinart blender. Two, they almost always give my girls the runs if they eat them more than a couple times in a week. My favorite time to serve peas is once they are able to eat them as a finger food. Very easy to take along and allow them to defrost in route to dinner or wherever.
Spinach – don’t freeze a whole cube of it. It seems to be WAY too much and Esther won’t eat it. However, if I sneak smaller amounts into her lunch, etc it goes down just fine. A whole bag of fresh spinach made like 8 cubes, if that. So it is pretty dense stuff. I simply put a bunch in a bowl (pulling of the larger stems) then adding a little water, cover with cling wrap and microwave very for less than a minute.
Tofu - excellent source of protein. I have only bought the soft kind from Publix. Then cut it up in the small pieces. Save enough out for a week (just estimating) and the freeze the rest (I prefer to do so in individual meal sized servings - cube or ice tray method). When freezing be sure to cover it with water. (lasts 2 months). I did notice that freezing made the tofu a bit more sponge like. I was very careful to mush it up in food after freezing. Also... when refrigerating you have to change the water EVERY day! Though I seemed to have forgotten about this wonderful food after giving to Essie at first ... but am getting back to it now as a finger food.
Walnuts - can be given rather early. It was 9months I added some ground up in peaches for Esther. She didn't even seem to notice. This was likely one of her early forms of protein.
Applesauce- It is cheaper to buy the organic kind by the can fruits than the baby jar food kinds. Also even more so is the "no sugar added" versions over organic. It seemed way to laborouse for me to peel and then cook apples to get so very little.
Now what: Once frozen I usually pull out the cubes I need the night before I need them to send them to daycare. If heading to church and I want to ensure they don’t warm to quickly I pull them out the morning before depending on the food. Bananas for instance defrost very quickly, while avocado takes forever and I would always get it out the evening before.
A recent trick I have tried was to buy canned peaches. They seem to be hard to find at my grocery stores in pieces in pear juice (rather than syrup). So I cut them up and put them on a pan and then into the freezer for a couple of hours. Then once they were frozen I put them in a Ziploc. It makes finger food a very easy grab and go. I tried this also with broccoli (cooked first, then into bite size pieces before I put it back to the freezer – again… I think this is a big no no, but my girls haven’t gotten sick when I freeze something after cooking it). Check it out with your pediatrician before trying. I actually used a bacon cooking pan for the microwave. For the peaches it actually allowed the juice to roll down to the grease tray. Though I do believe a regular flat one would have worked just as well.
I will say that once you have made their food it is a lot harder to just throw away the extras. I am very careful to only thaw what she will need. I tend to feed this food first and then finish up with finger foods once we are at that stage of eating with our fingers or fists.
Below is what the cube system looks like (these are the 2oz version, I actually owned the 1oz version):
I’m sure you could envision it… but the ice cube tray with a lid:
Please leave a comment of any tricks you have learned or other things you have to share. I love learning from other Mommies.
[though as I am posting this Bryan melted my miniprep... we shall see if it still works or not...opps! thanks for cleaning up after me!!!]
Monday, June 22, 2009
Essie is 11months old today
You are our cutie pie!
Daddy's little girl
Ray of Sunshine!
Oh how we all love you so very much. You are growing up so fast. You took your first few steps just a few days ago. You babble up a storm. You wave hi and bye. I belive you are signing dog. You may also be training us to know when you are all done with a wave of the hand too. Keep trying and I think we will learn your language. You have been staying with Baby Luke (As well as his dear Mommy Katie) the past week (whom we are forever grateful for). You have been sleeping up a storm too! Such a happy baby. So many people comment on just how good and calm you are. God has blessed us all with your personality. You get what you want though. Adeline is learning she can't just take a toy away from you. You go after it now where before she could distract you with another one. I think she is in for it now :) You both play so well together, mutual love for sure. You have mastered sleeping through the night until 6 or 6:30 and we are so excited about that. You have started insisting on holding Calhoun's leash when we walk him. You love wagon rides around the neighborhood. You LOVE water. We have an inflatable crab that you go crazy crawing around in the water. Just a couple weekends ago we went to Salt Springs Resort of sorts that had a lake and it was the perfect place for you to roam in the sandy bottom water with a HUGE smile. You sleep as long as there is a pack n play near! You are eating a lot of finger foods and tonight drank a considerable amount of milk from a sippy cup. We just had only been giving you water so far. (we had extra tonight) We thank God for you and the 11 months we have had togther. Praying for lots more!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Dearest Bryan! You rock at being the best Daddy to Adeline and Esther I could imagine. They are so blessed.
Bill you are the dearest! Glad we got to have lunch with you today. Thanks for all the love you pour out on us.
I had high hopes to get Adeline wishing each of you a happy Fathers day on video. But unfortunately I didn't start early engough and it must have been past her "go-with-the-flow hour". Even Esther wouldn't wave for the camera. Maybe I can capture it another day! She does love you all and says so regularly.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Fruits and Veggies – Make your own
If I can do this, I know you can too!!!
So I have seemed to find myself making home made baby food for my second sweet baby girl. Really this is very easy, just a few extra pieces of produce and an extra hour every couple of weeks. Especially easy when the little ones are just learning. Plus it is fun to let them try all kinds of foods that Gerber doesn’t make into the jars at the grocery store. Adeline started on cereal from a box (I find it too painful to plan to give her an iron supplement and grind then cook my own cereal that only lasts a few days – though try it for yourself to see if it will work for you) and Esther started with Sweet Potatoes. Both loved it! They loved starting foods at 6 months of age.
I started by buying a cute red Cuisine Art Mini Prep Blender. I knew I wouldn’t be making enough of this stuff to serve an army, so it has worked extremely well and doesn’t take up a ton of rooom. You put in a sweet potato and it fits perfectly or a couple of bananas. With Adeline my oldest I used the cube method. Very grab and go. A little extra detail in getting the food into the cubes, but it worked very well. With Esther I started with the ice cube trays that had a lid. I find this very easy in you throw the food in and try to keep them in the cubes. Let it freeze then pop them in to zip lock bags. This method uses way less freezer space and I don’t have to worry about trays of cubes. The down side is that it lacks the grab and go. You have to have a spare bowl at the moment you are grabbing and going. Not the end of the world, but a little less flexible. Also, I usually start off by cooking many foods at once to minimize the time in the kitchen. It is mentioned in my favorite book Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron in details in how to be successful. I was a little less focused, but it was great to only have one great big mess rather than doing a little every day. Though I will now admit that on most of the veggies I seem to use frozen ones, cook them and then refreeze. I haven’t had a child get sick (though both sides of my family have rocks for stomach’s). Ask your pediatrician if it is okay for your little one before trying this. I keep meaning too.
I don’t like doing home made cereal as above. Though my Cuisinart did just find grinding up rice and beans to make Super Baby Porridge from the book……. I really enjoyed this book. I also stayed away from making home made yogurt. Something about the million times the author instills fear into me about everything being extremely clean and no contamination. Too many possibilities for error I say. Another food I just didn’t really conquer was protein. I didn’t fret over it much until they could eat finger foods. I fed egg yokes and tofu the first few months of doing the foods. Around 10 months I started adding in chicken breast in shreds or sandwich meat (though not really a bright spot in my healthy home made making baby food moments, but it works).
My favorites: Both had and have a hearty staple of Avocado. A very nutritional food. Easy in that no cooking necessary and it seemed filling to them. The other fun in it was that it wasn’t in a jar anywhere that I could buy. And Adeline's first La Fiesta food was guacamole. I’m sure it wasn’t just like mom’s either. She downed it even faster than usual. Also note: Do not get the lighter green skinned ones if possible. I always have trouble peeling those. And definitely don’t get hard ones. I had to cook my last batch just to make it edible for Esther, rather than having her attempt to eat rocks.
Peas – difficult on many levels. One you have to have cooked them for a very long time to get them tender enough to blend in the mini Cuisinart blender. Two, they almost always give my girls the runs if they eat them more than a couple times in a week. My favorite time to serve peas is once they are a finger food. Very easy to take along and allow them to defrost in route to dinner or wherever.
Spinach – don’t freeze a whole cube of it. It seems to be WAY too much and Esther won’t eat it. However, if I sneak smaller amounts into her lunch, etc it goes down just fine. A whole bag of fresh spinach made like 8 cubes, if that. So it is pretty dense stuff.
Once frozen I usually pull out the cubes I need the night before I need them to send them to daycare. If heading to church and I want to ensure they don’t warm to quickly I pull them out the morning before depending on the food. Bananas for instance defrost very quickly, while avocado takes forever and I would always get it out the evening before.
A recent trick I have tried was to buy canned peaches. They seem to be hard to find at my grocery stores in pieces in pear juice (rather than syrup). So I cut them up and put them on a pan and then into the freezer for a couple of hours. Then once they were frozen I put them in a Ziploc. It makes finger food a very easy grab and go. I tried this also with broccoli (cooked first, then into bite size pieces before I put it back to the freezer – again… I think this is a big no no, but my girls haven’t gotten sick when I freeze something after cooking it). Check it out with your pediatrician before trying. (I actually used a bacon cooking pan for the microwave. For the peaches it actually allowed the juice to roll down to the grease tray. Though I do believe a regular flat one would have worked just as well.
I will say that once you have made their food it is a lot harder to just throw away the extras. I am very careful to only thaw what she will need. I tend to feed this food first and then finish up with finger foods once we are at that stage of eating.
Below is what the cube system looks like (these are the 2oz version, I actually owned the 1oz version):
I’m sure you could envision it… but the ice cube tray with a lid:
Please leave a comment of any tricks you have learned or other things you have to share. I love learning from other Mommies.
[though as I am posting this Bryan melted my miniprep... we shall see if it still works or not...opps!]
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Essie takes her first steps TODAY!
Way to go Esther Maeve!!! So proud of you. You were so brave. So glad your first steps were toward your silly Daddy and that all were there to see them.
Adeline had a first today as well. A first with me that is. She really wanted to ride her bike she calls it. And sure enough the pedaled that thing a ton in the cul-de-sac. I know she has been having big wheel training with Meme. Great job Addy! Prior to riding the tricycle we went for a very noisy wagon ride. Last time Esther couldn’t sit still trying to take Adeline’s pop=ice. So this time I gave her one…. I just didn’t cut it open. It turned out great, she munched on it the whole time and it kept her cool.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Teaching Tuesday on Wednesday! Holding a baby
Adeline walks up to me with hand in hand palm up and says Mommy this is how you hold a baby. So I just had to put her to practice and plopped Esther in her lap. She did great didn’t she! Esther has a smile to melt your heart. She wasn’t too sure it was all safe. I was amazed at her patience in it though.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Fun fun at Salt Springs
Sweet sweet cousins (Clair, Adeline, Tessie, and Gabby):
Addy and I paddling for fun:

Chad and Annie relaxing:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Teaching Tuesday
This is a new way of weekly trying to post a video of the girls. Here is my first in hopefully a series of videos on Tuesdays. Below you can see how to use a remote control and on reading a book.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Blueberry picking fun
So I would say just about every year I want to go picking blueberries and other than one year 8 years ago I miss it. So this year when I overheard someone talking about it at Earlton I put it on my mind to make it happen. So… we DID IT! We went out to Parrish Family Farm (NW G’ville). The one in Earlton has sunflowers to pick and animals from what I hear, but when I called the day prior to see if they had any the owner mentioned plan to get wet and fight mosquitoes. No thank you immediately came to mind. Better to adventure to the unknown than to that. All 4 of us went. We were there for 30 min, spent $6 and had so much fun. Not to mention tummies filled of the great blue treasure as well.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Whys have hit and hit hard
I knew the day was coming the moment we knew we were expecting a baby… and it is official that just about everything you say will then be replied to with a why. Many times in response to things that we have been doing regularly. Adeline “where are you going”; Me “I’m going to work” (though now reflecting on this response I am a little disappointed – helping people, serving God, seems like there are many other reasons I work that are more what I would think are the true reasons I work) AC “Why”; Me “ To make money”; AC “Why”; Me “So we can eat”; AC “Why”; Me “Because God made us to need food” (thinking that would be the end of it); AC “Why”; at this point I distract. Later today I told her she should ask God when she gets to Heaven. I now wonder if this is how God thinks about it. Something that to Him seems so logical and timely to Him, yet we keep asking why.
Then, another new favorite… “Watch me Mom”. Oh how my heart leaps with joy that she wants my attention. You might should check back in with me in a month or a year to see if I still feel this way. Right now it is a pure blessing.