Adeline walks up to me with hand in hand palm up and says Mommy this is how you hold a baby. So I just had to put her to practice and plopped Esther in her lap. She did great didn’t she! Esther has a smile to melt your heart. She wasn’t too sure it was all safe. I was amazed at her patience in it though.
Merry Christmas: The Greatest Gift
2 months ago
Cute as always! They have such a wonderful mommy to learn from! Hope you're having a good day.
And I thought it was funny to see my niece "hold" Josiah! And he only weighed about 10 lb at the time. Your girls are so cute together. Hope mine get along so well when we have another. You should be proud (I know you are).
Just adorable!
They are so cute! Another "proud aunt" moment for me :)
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