Come have FUN with the Conrads!!!

We lean on Jesus as He is our strength for everyday.
1 Peter 4:11 Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Date night: For Bryan and Girls!

So Chic Fil A (CFA) had Daddy date night.  It began with the me helping the girls get dressed up with lip gloss and eye shadow with high-heals and dress of their choice.  Then on to the mall where a limo picked them up at one side of Belks and then drove around the mall to drop them off at the other side of Belks. Then up the escalator greated by cows (galore from the sound of it).  Each girl got a flower and stuffed cow upon arrival.  Dinner was served just like at a restaurant.  Craft table with a paper flower.  Leaving they were given a "gift bag" that bryan says had Belk coupons.  I bet the girls will tell me it help treasure and they were excited.  Then Bryan finished off the night by going to Starbucks where the girls get hot chocolate milk. 
For those interested keep your eyes peeled as Bryan says it will happen again in October. (I got to do a 1.5 hr much needed shopping trip and got home before 10pm...very nice!)


meme said...

What a wonderful evening....special memories!! and a great picture of a proud daddy!!! :)

Abby and Jacob said... sweet!

Katie said...

LOVE IT!!! I tried to get my Daddy to take me to the one here since Sarah was too young but it didn't happen!! :) So glad those girls have such a wonderful Daddy and Moma to love on them. So precious!!!

Unknown said...

Sweetest thing ever. Chick Fil A is awesome :)